Welcome to Paintball Australia web site, an ever growing site of paintball equipment.

Paintball Australia staff have paintball playing experience and industry knowledge to assist you with every aspect
of your paintball needs. We are exclusive distributors for PMI/RPS paintballs, distributors for Empire Paintball Products,
Evil Paintballs and Evil paintball products, BT products, KEE Action Sports, Shocktech USA, Viewloader, WGP, Tippmann,
and more.
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Paintball Australia started in February 1986 supplying paintballs and paintball guns or markers and equipment, to the then pioneers of paintball in Australia.  In fact it was originally called "Skirmish" and in Queensland the name has stuck, in other states of it is more commonly know as "Paintball".  The paintball scene has grown quickly and dramatically since those humble days in the mid eighties. 

Originally paintballs where available in 2 common calibers .62 cal and .68 cal paintballs but the .62 paintballs fell to the way side and .68paintballs has since become the industry standard.

As for the Paintball guns themselves, boy have they changed!  The first paintguns where side-feed bolt action rifles that held 14 paintballs which were slow and tedious to load, players had to lift the paintgun muzzle up and while rolling it on it side, work the bolt and hope one of the paintballs would roll into the breech and get ready for your next shot. As you can imagine there was a lot of movement back then.  As with all sports, paintguns and the equipment started to develop and with that came the advent of gravity feed, constant air, hoppers that held 40 paintballs then 100 paintballs then 200 even up to 300 paintballs, whilst this was going on the paintball guns went from bolt action to pump action to semi-auto and now we have paintguns with electronic triggers and brains for even faster rates of fire.  Of course to feed the paintballs quick enough the hoppers evolved from a plastic box.  Then motors and sensors were fitted to help get those balls into the gun faster, in the paintball industry there called agitated hoppers.  Then came the force feed hoppers to get the balls to the guns faster than what gravity could. So as you can see a lot has changed.  At Paintball Australia our paintball shop has the first bolt action paintgun from Sheridan, Australia's first custom bolt action paintgun and some of the older style guns on display for you enjoyment.

Paintball Mask / Goggles, now they have just leaped ahead in protection and design.  From the old Norton safety glasses they have transcended to full face 260% wide vision paintball industry approved goggle systems.

Paintball accessories have like paintguns grown also there are bags, clothes, shirts, gloves, better squeegees, harnesses, even paintball radar to check the speed of paintballs coming out of paintguns.

Paintball Tournaments they have transcended from the bush to flat open areas with the new generation of inflatable, Sup-Air bunkers laid out, the paintguns the apparel  the whole concepts is fast.  These exciting paintball games are over within minutes. With the new 4play concept that we have developed it is now easier for new  tournament players to get into Sup-Air tournaments

Paintball where is it going?  Well that's what Paintball Australia is here for.  To keep our customers up to date with the latest developments and equipment, in these ever changing paintball trends


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paintball team ready to start at paintball tournament

Contact Information

07 5530 3133   
07 5530 5464
Physical address
Paintball Australia
42 John Rogers Road, Mudgeeraba Qld. 4213
Postal address
         Paintball Australia
         PO Box 164, Mudgeeraba Qld 4213
Electronic mail
General Information: paintballaust@gmail.com
Sales: paintballaust@gmail.com
Webmaster: paintballaust@gmail.com
Hours of Operation
10:00am - 5:00pm Tuesday to Thursday
Always best to call ahead in case the shop is unattended
Closed all Public Holidays

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